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Certified Human Leader™️

One thing, that unites every great leader, is people skills. And not just the skillset to interact or communicate with others, or the capability to create and implement the best vision. We dare to say, that the best leaders have one fundamental superpower - and that is a positive and humane view of human nature. The best people leaders take time to understand others, identify their strengths, and explore what motivates them. They know how to effectively coach underperformers, reward excellence, and bring out the best in different kinds of people. They enable people to develop their skills and help them grow as professionals. They also ensure, that the right people are in the right roles, and that everyone is working together as a team, focused on a common goal.

Modern leadership is about leading people alongside leading business in a complex environment. Modern leadership is about creating high level of trust, and promoting a sense of inclusion and belonging. In the future, the most important qualities of a leader include the ability to create and maintain trust, build a sense of togetherness, and inspire and support learning and creativity. 

Certified Human Leader ™️ (CHL) is a modern, digital leadership culture development program, that brings leaders together to learn more about the human concept in leadership. The program offers the keys to permanent change towards better and more humane leadership, thanks to its insightful and reflective approach. By changing the attitudes and beliefs, that affect the actions of superiors, a change in management is achieved, that supports well-being and improves business conditions.

Avoin Certified Human Leader
-ryhmä käynnistyy 21.10.2024

Ilmoittaudu mukaan lokakuussa käynnistyvään avoimeen Certified Human Leader -ryhmään, jossa pääset reflektoimaan omaa johtamisen ihmiskäsitystäsi sekä tutustumaan muiden ryhmäläisten pohdintoihin. Ohjelma tarjoaa linssit havaita ja tulkita johtamistilanteita uudella tavalla yllättävissäkin ihmisten johtamistilanteissa.

Avoin ryhmä toteutetaan virtuaalisesti sisältäen digitaalista oppimista sekä neljä ryhmäkeskustelua videotapaamisena. Ohjelma kestää viisi kuukautta. Aikainvestointi ohjelmaan on noin 10-15 tuntia. Ryhmä starttaa mikäli vähimmäisosallistujamäärä täyttyy. Osallistumismaksu 599€ + alv.


Modern Management Development Program

The duration of Certified Human Leader program is about six months. Choose the most suitable service package for your organization, from independent digital work to digital path supported by workshops.

The program rewards participants with a Certified Human Leader -certificate. If the majority of supervisors successfully complete the program, the organization will be awarded with a people-first leadership culture certificate.

The program challenges existing thinking and the collective view of human nature, that is prevailing in your organization, and ensures a constructive dialogue between leaders about people-first leadership culture.

The Journey to Become a Certified Human Leader

The Certified Human Leader™️ program enables collaborative leadership development

The program is built on digital learning and sharing of gained insights. Depending on your choice, digital learning can be enriched with group discussions and workshops. Dialogue, collegial learning, and applying new skills to practice, play a major role in Certified Human Leader -program.

The duration of the program is about half a year. The program covers the nine dimensions of Milestone's human concept and offers a safe place to reflect on learnings with fellow leaders. We have divided human perception into nine areas, each of which contains three levels, that guide learning modules:

  • Theory level (mindset)

  • Skill level (skillset)

  • An exercise to test your skills in practice (toolset)


The benefits of Certified Human Leader -program:

  • You will learn to observe, what kind of human concept currently guides your leadership culture.

  • You will learn to understand, how these different perceptions of human nature guide both your own and your organization's leadership.

  • You will gain tools to improve leadership practices in your daily work.

  • You will develop your leadership skills.


Time to put people first

The uncertainty and complexity of our environment and constant changes create pressure for leadership, that engages people to bring out their best to solve problems. When more humane leadership is applied – people tend to do their best giving people-first organizations a competitive advantage.

We provide leadership lenses for leaders to take a look at leadership situations in a new way. The goal of the program is to strengthen a culture, where people are seen as valuable and unique beings, that they are and treated accordingly.

It's time to put people first.

Choose your service package


Self-Directed CHL

Choose a self-directed Certified Human Leader, if you want flexibility.


The package includes digital learning modules and tools for everyday life.

Duration 4-6 months.
Implementation: Self-directed  digital learning.
Peer support from other participants.


Price*: €399 / person + VAT


CHL with Guidance

Choose a Certified Human Leader with guidance, if you want, in addition to flexibility, joint events and project management support from a steering group.

The package includes digital learning modules, tools for everyday life and group discussion instructions  in order to facilitate peer discussions.

Duration 4-8 months.
Implementation: Digital learning modules, Virtual Kick Off and group discussions.

Price*: €599 / person + VAT


CHL with Workshops

Choose the Certified Human Leader program with workshops, if you want to ensure a permanent change in the leadership culture.

The package includes digital learning modules, tools for everyday life, group discussions and workshops.

Duration 6-8 months.
Implementation: Digital learning modules, Kick Off, group discussions and workshops of your choice.

Price: Ask for a quote



* Minimum Group Size is 10 people. The program is suitable for team leaders, project managers and supervisors.

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