What is Human Concept and why does it matter?
Human nature, or as we call it Human Concept is a leadership methodology that describes the fundamental attitudes, qualities, and characteristics - including ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving - that we humans tend to have naturally. Every organization has, either consciously or unconsciously, adopted some kind of collective human concept. It influences everything we do and shapes the organization's culture. When developing leadership and corporate culture the human concept can't be overlooked.
When the organization's collective view of human nature changes, the leadership culture also changes. We help organizations to change their leadership culture by working with leaders' and supervisors' understanding of human concept.
It is time to put people first
For the last hundred years, working life has seen employees as kind of extensions of machines, robots, or faceless resources. Seeing and leading people this way leaves out a large part of human potential. In order to bring out the best in people and to utilize the whole human potential, it is important to lead people as the unique and valuable beings that they are.
Successful leadership is therefore the end-result of understanding two things:
What kind is the being that is being led (Human Concept) and
How organization culture is working as a driving force to support the strategy.
Leadership without a healthy view of human nature rarely leads to a desired result. A strategy, that is not supported by the culture, is usually doomed to failure.
Milestone's Healthy Human Concept of Leadership™️
Our mission is to change working life more humane. Permanent change towards more humane leadership happens when the organization's collective human concept changes.
In leadership, the human concept is presented in ways in which we guide the behavior of other people. At Milestone, we have gained an understanding of and developed the human concept of leadership -a framework based on over twenty years of experience in leadership development. Milestone's Human Concept describes nine dimensions of humanity, that are central to working life, and what a positive view of these dimensions could mean in working life at best.
People-Centric Leadership Leads to Better Results
Organization culture is built by the collective view of human nature.
The way we see people at work affects, how we function as an organization, and therefore it has a huge impact on the organization's culture. It has been said that culture eats strategy for breakfast. At Milestone, we believe that the human concept that is put into practice, can build either constructive or destructive culture.
This is why Certified Human Leader™️ program was launched. It is a digital leadership development program, that brings leaders together to reflect on their human concept and discuss people-first leadership culture and it certifies humane people leaders.
A change in leadership requires both recognizing our own humanity and seeing it in others. As our human concept changes, so do the way we lead. The program offers a path to more humane leadership with its insightful and reflective approach. By changing the attitudes and beliefs that affect leadership actions, you can achieve a change that supports well-being and creates a competitive advantage for business.