Why Become a Certified Human Leader?
Certified Human Leader™️ (CHL) is a modern, digital leadership culture development program, that brings leaders together to learn more about the human concept in leadership.
With a better understanding of human behavior, leaders have a much better chance of leading people to success. When the organization's collective view of human nature changes, the leadership culture also changes.
Modern Leadership Development Program
The competition for talent is intensifying. The winners are the organizations, that succeed in building a people-first leadership culture, where employees feel that they are valued. Every organization has, either consciously or unconsciously, adopted some kind of human concept. It influences everything we do and shapes the culture. When developing leadership and corporate culture the human concept can't be overlooked. We help organizations to change their leadership culture by working with leaders' and supervisors' understanding of human concept.
People-First Leadership Culture Certification
Certified Human Leader program
guides the participants to reflect their own human concept through nine dimensions of humanity, that are central to working life. The program certifies participants as Certified Human Leaders. The organization can also apply for a people-centric leadership culture certificate.
Näe ihminen, haasta ihmiskäsityksesi
- Rakenna parempaa johtajuutta -kirja
Haluatko syventää johtamistaitojasi ja edistää inhimillisempää työkulttuuria?
Näe ihminen, haasta ihmiskäsityksesi - Rakenna parempaa johtajuutta" -kirja ravistelee vanhentuneita ihmisuskomuksia tarjoten uudenlaisen näkökulman ihmisten johtamiseen. Kirja keskittyy ihmisen merkitykseen työelämässä ja johtamisessa, tarjoten samalla konkreettisia työkaluja ihmisten johtamiseen ja auttaen lukijaa tarkastelemaan omassa työyhteisössään vallitsevia ajattelumalleja.
Our story
Milestone was founded in 2002 in an interaction between two people. The unifying factor was the desire to change working life more humane. The driving force was the belief gained by experience that when a person is treated as a human being,
they will do their best.
Our mission is to change the working life more humane. Permanent change in leadership happens by changing the organzations' collective view of human nature. All leadership successes and failures can be traced back to the human concept, that is
consciously or unconsciously put into practice.
The years have passed and we have been able to move towards our mission thanks to great customers. Every year has brought new customers, who share the same vision: in the future, organizations, that know how to build a people-first culture, will succeed.
Our mission is still our driving force, and the fire inside us grows, while the journey towards more humane working life continues.